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Gaza Could Take 70 Years to Rebuild, Mediators Present New Ceasefire Proposal

Amidst the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, mediators have presented a new ceasefire proposal aimed at bringing an end to the escalating violence. The conflict has left a devastating toll on the region, with thousands of casualties and widespread destruction.

According to experts, the reconstruction of Gaza could take decades, with estimates ranging up to 70 years. The infrastructure, housing, and basic services have been severely damaged, creating an immense challenge for the recovery process.

International aid organizations are calling for immediate humanitarian assistance, including medical supplies, food, and shelter. The United Nations has also expressed concern over the deteriorating conditions and urged all parties to prioritize the safety and welfare of civilians.

Meanwhile, diplomatic efforts continue to play a crucial role in seeking a peaceful resolution. The proposed ceasefire aims to halt the hostilities and create a space for negotiations towards a lasting settlement.

The news and analysis portal provides comprehensive coverage of the situation in Gaza, including breaking news, in-depth analysis, and perspectives from experts and correspondents on the ground. Follow the latest developments and engage in meaningful discussions on the future of the region.

In addition to breaking news, the portal offers a wide range of multimedia content, including live broadcasts, documentaries, podcasts, and long-form articles. Readers can stay informed, explore different perspectives, and deepen their understanding of the issues shaping the Middle East and the world.
