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Angelan Virtual On

SGV-417-I Angelan: A Formidable Virtuaroid in VOOT

High V, Weak Armor, and Anomalous Attacks

Angelan SGV-417-I is a formidable Virtuaroid in VOOT, known for its exceptional Virtuality Rating (V) that allows it to unleash a barrage of powerful attacks, including tracking dragons and freezing ice bullets. However, this advantage comes with a significant trade-off: Angelan's armor is extremely weak, making it vulnerable to enemy fire.

Gameplay and Impact

Angelan's unique combination of high V and low armor makes it a challenging, yet rewarding Virtuaroid to play as. Skilled players can use its powerful attacks to outmaneuver and overwhelm opponents, while managing its fragile frame to avoid being destroyed.

Conclusion: The Devil and the Angel

In the realm of Virtual-On, Angelan stands as a testament to the delicate balance between power and vulnerability. While its high V grants it unparalleled offensive capabilities, its weak armor requires strategic positioning and skillful maneuvering to mitigate its defensive shortcomings. Like its sister unit Fei-Yen, Angelan embodies the duality of Virtual-On: Specineff as the devil, and Angelan as the angel. Its legacy as a formidable Virtuaroid continues to inspire and challenge players, leaving a lasting impression on the competitive gaming landscape.
